Maya Ohanyan, piano

Born in Moscow, now she is 14 years old and lives in Venice.
Started to study piano at the age of 4. During first 2 years studied intensively with Maestro Alexander Maykapar,

Massimo Somenzi, piano

Massimo Somenzi, a Venetian native, studied piano with Maria Italia Biagi and is a distinguished student of Rio Nardi and Alfredo Casella. He graduated from the Conservatory “Benedetto Marcello” in Venice with the highest honours.

Evgeny Stavinsky, bass

The bass Evgeny Stavinsky was born in Russia, in a family of musicians. He completed his studies as singer and choir conductor at the Academy of Choral Art and perfectioned himself at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino where he performed the title part in Mozart’s DON GIOVANNI,

Varduhi Yeritsyan, piano

Varduhi Yeritsyan occupe une position singulière dans le paysage pianistique actuel. Par sa double culture héritée de grands maîtres comme Brigitte Engerer, Mstislav Rostropovitch, Denis Pascal,

Bruno Mantovani, chef d’orchestre

Né le 8 octobre 1974, Bruno Mantovani est un musicien polyvalent, avant tout compositeur, mais aussi chef d’orchestre, directeur du Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris de 2010 à 2019 puis professeur de répertoire contemporain dans cette même institution.

Olli Mustonen, piano

Olli Mustonen has a unique place on today’s music scene. Following the tradition of great masters such as Rachmaninov, Busoni and Enescu, Mustonen combines the roles of his musicianship as composer,