Nathalie Lermitte

Nathalie Lermitte Singing is certainly a true vocation for Nathalie Lermitte. Indeed, at the age of six, she started performing.

The day she turned eighteen was also the day she released her first album “Tu es tout ce que j’aime”,

James P. Liu, conductor

Acclaimed as one of the most outstanding conductors in China today, founder of Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra, music director and chief conductor, James P. Liu has achievements throughout Europe and America.

Jessica Cottis, conductor

Conductor Jessica Cottis has earned widespread recognition for her inventive,
thought-provoking programming and inspiring musical leadership. A gifted
communicator described as “cool, contained,

Claire Booth, soprano

“An actor-singer who can raise the dramatic heat as soon as she enters
the stage” (Opera Now), “that most questing, resourceful and intelligent
of sopranos” (Daily Telegraph),

Elisso Bolkvadze, piano

Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the family of poets and writers, Elisso Bolkvadze began her musical study at the early age of four and performed her first concert with orchestra at the age of seven.

Sir Andrew Davis, conductor

One of today’s most recognized and acclaimed conductors, Sir Andrew
Davis’s career spans over fifty years in which he has been the artistic
leader at several of the world’s most distinguished opera and symphonic

Վ.Ա.Մոցարտ: Դաշնամուրի կոնցերտ թիվ 23, A- dur, KV 488, (1786թ)

Գրվել է մեկ օրվա ընթացքում`1786թ. մարտի 2-ին: Կատարվել է Մոցարտի`երեք երեկո տևողությամբ հեղինակային համերգում: Պատկանում է կոմպոզիտորի ստեղծագործական ուշ շրջանի
լավագույն և հաճախ կատարվող կոնցերտների թվին: Եռամաս կառույցում հիմնական թեմատիզմից բացի հաճախակի մեջբերվում են լրացուցիչ թեմաներ,

Hovhannes Tchekidjian, conductor

Hovhannes Tchekidjian was born in 1929 in Istanbul. From 1951-53 he studied at Paris «Ecole Normale de Musique», and  in 1961 completed postgraduate courses of the Istanbul Conservatory.

Armenian National Academic Choir

The Armenian National Academic Choir was founded in 1936. Since 1961 to present, Maestro Hovhannes Tchekidjian is the artistic director and principal conductor of the choir.